Normal Operations Resuming on Monday

Both campuses are back to normal operations and we will return to all regular in-person activities on Monday, September 16.

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FAFSA 2024

Important Information About the FAFSA for 2024

FAFSA is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. It is administered by the U.S. Department of Education and determines your eligibility for college-related financial assistance. All students must fill out the FAFSA every year that they are enrolled in college.

In 2024, the Department of Education simplified the form, making it much easier for students and families to submit their information. There were some delays with the form, and the government is still fixing some bugs in the application. This means that students will get their financial aid awards later than usual, BUT:

  1. Do not delay! Fill out the FAFSA as soon as possible if you haven’t already done so. Follow these pro tips to make the process go as smoothly as possible.
  2. If you are a new student, please be patient and wait for your full financial aid award from Loyola before making a final decision about what college to attend. We are offering an optional extension until June 1, 2024, to submit your enrollment deposit so that you have adequate time to review your options and make your decision.

FAFSA FAQs - New Students

FAFSA is the abbreviation of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Results of the FAFSA help determine what financial aid (both private and public funding) students will receive.

Each family is highly encouraged to complete the federal form to qualify for grants, loans, and work study to help pay for your education.

You can easily link tax information from prior years so it's much easier than you might think.

The Department of Education is streamlining the FAFSA process by reducing the number of questions and making it easier to transfer tax information directly from the IRS. They have also compiled these pro tips to help students and families.

The FAFSA is available now and incoming students should fill it out as soon as possible to ensure timely processing of your financial aid award.

Loyola’s Office of Financial Aid is here to support you. Reach out to our office by calling 504-865-3231, emailing us at, or scheduling an appointment.

FAFSA FAQs - Returning Students

The form has been redesigned to be much simpler to fill out. See these pro tips with useful information about how to complete the form.

Your award may come a little later this year, due to a delay in when the Office of Financial Aid will receive your application.

No, we do not anticipate changing the due date at this time.

Yes, please fill it out as soon as possible to ensure timely processing of your financial aid award.

Loyola’s Office of Financial Aid is here to support you. Reach out to our office by calling 504-865-3231, emailing us at, or scheduling an appointment.